producer | composer | engineer


Harry Warshaw is a music producer, composer, and engineer from Montreal, Canada. He has produced music for commercials, video games, and the Toronto-based hip-hop group Pearls & Bones. He is currently working on a third full-length Pearls & Bones album.

Harry is excited to help you create music for your next track/album/video game/commercial/film/board game/YouTube channel/dance routine/cheerleading routine/workout routine/daily routine/significant other's birthday/thanksgiving dinner/Kickstarter project video/tinder profile/walk up music/pump up music/throw up music/yoga class/Zumba class/9th grade Spanish class/3hr lecture on intertextuality, or any other project you have in mind.


Arrangement, Recording, ADR, SFX, Mixing


Composition, Mixing


Composition, Mixing


More work for film

All audio in the following clips was re-imagined, written, recorded, and mixed by me, for projects during my undergraduate degree.

Artificial Paradise, Inc.


1984 Apple Computers Advertisement


Scene from Battlestar Galactica


music@harryw.xyz | 514 267 9830